Thoughts on Time

5 months is a good, long time.

It is sufficient time to celebrate all of the Waits birthdays, anniversaries, a graduation and a launch.

It is sufficient time to schedule a reconnect with long, but never lost, college girlfriends.

It is sufficient time to rest, regroup and reboot a calling.

It is sufficient time to eat at lovely restaurants, tea rooms and a few picnics.

It is sufficient time to gaze into the eyes of my beloved and remember us.

It is sufficient time to zoom in on priorities.

It is sufficient time to be away from dear, dear people who cradle me in arms of their beautiful culture.

It is sufficient time to reexplore my strengths and seek clarity for my blind spots.

It is sufficient time to rediscover the answer to every human's question of  'why was I created?'

5 months also goes fast.

It is not enough time to say 'I love you',  'I appreciate you',   'I need you.'

It is not enough time to meet with every person I love.

It is not enough time to express my sorrow at what our absence leaves to our loved ones.

It is not enough time to explain the depth of my soul about the work we do.

It is not enough time to rebuild broken trust or apologize sufficiently for old wounds.

It is not enough time to slowly live alongside our Northamerican neighbors.

It is not enough time to understand the complexity and sheer agony of the current political climate.

It is not enough time to have all the i's dotted and t's crossed.


The Waits are on the way back to the proverbial barn...  we have grazed on the goodness of the USA.   We have drunk-deep from the fountain of love that our people prepared for us.   We are walking faster through these last days before boarding a plane that will take us to that humid, hot place where home is just a few more steps away.

Home morphs and twists for me.   Once, home was only where my parents lived.   Then, home expanded to include anywhere the 7 members of the Waits circus were together.    Now, I have a small home, on the east coast, where Aidan plays the introduction to his life symphony.    I have a actual, worn, wooden home built on concrete pillars waiting for me, close to a beautiful lagoon on the Caribbean.     I have a family of students and teachers guarding the sweetest of hugs to greet me in mere days.   Richness.

Home is my place where there is sufficient time and, simultaneous, never enough time.


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