Wise Words from Friends

These last few posts about risk have invited wonderful, encouraging words in my inbox that I want to share with you...  

"A mother's heart gets stomped on sometimes - but our love never changes.  Just imagine how God's heart hurts over and over and over as his children go their own stubborn ways - rather than in the directions that he would prefer for them.  BUT HIS LOVE NEVER WAVERS!  He is always there waiting for our return - but traveling with us over the road we have taken on our own."    from my mom :) 

"The only goal gets refined to: "That I may know HIM." That is our goal, and our goal for Di and all our other children.   (At times we have to pray)...  "whatever it takes, Lord." May the Lord comfort you as you wait....."   from B.

"...what I have discovered in my own life is that it took coming to the end of myself for me to see my desperate need of God. And He alone knows how to bring us to that place. For me, my self-sufficiency had to come to a dead end so I could finally see there was NO HOPE for me apart from Christ's work on my behalf. When I look to the future and having teenage children, I hope I can rest in God's ability to save apart from the part He has called me to play."  from G.

"Your thoughts have really helped me, and the Lord showed me some things this morning... He made me realize that we are doing exactly like He did, when He came to the earth. He came, knowing what would improve the lives of the people, and knowing what they needed, but they were unwilling to accept what He offered. They rejected Him, some, even after following Him for awhile. It was like the Lord asked me, "Do you not think that I felt the same way when they rejected me? When I offered them the hope of eternal life, and they refused it, just wanting some miracle to be done, that would feed them for a day?" Wow, that really hit me! Can you imagine, the Bread of Life sitting there, and the people didn't want Him, they just wanted food for the moment! Of course, I would think that He felt just as I do, that this was a waste of time....but He didn't, and aren't we so glad! He kept on giving, no matter what their attitudes were, no matter what they said or did, and even gave His life, knowing that millions would reject His free gift, not caring the price that He paid. That in itself, inspires me to go on giving, to go on loving, and risking it all, not quitting when they reject what we have to give, and when they take advantage.      from a missionary friend, R.
 In a way, each of these responses is similar in nature ...   it is only when we come to the complete end of ourselves that we can see how IMMENSE and COMPLETE is the love of God through Christ. 

One of these ladies reminded me of something I wrote, interestingly enough about Di, a few months ago.     Salvation and success are not mine to give...  I can share how Christ saved me, my sins no less grave than the ones she experiences, I can point toward a better way, the Way, I can extend my love and forgiveness based on what I've received from God,  and  I can pray that God will bring her to the 'end of herself.'    And, I can open my front door and welcome the next child that needs to see my Jesus.     Whatever it takes, Lord... 


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