One More Update...

There is so much to tell you;  so many ways we were encouraged during our travel from one end of Honduras to the other.     

One of the most memorable moments happened yesterday.   We were all very tired after a great conference.   We had planned to visit a special boarding school where one young lady from Mama Tara's Orphanage is attending.  

Let me back up a bit.   Last October/November, there were 3 girls from Mama Tara's who were presented with the opportunity to study at a renowned Christian boarding school called Arbol de Vida, outside of Copan Ruinas, Honduras.    You can read about this and the sad day when all 3 gave up on that dream.    

And then, in January, one returned.   And, providentially,  she was able to prepare in time.  With the financial help of her long-time sponsor and some serious last minute preparations by a few of us, she left Puerto Lempira and headed to a new future.   It was God's love that carried this young lady on her first airplane trip, alone,  and then 7 hours on a bus across Honduras to pursue a dream.

Yesterday, I got to see her in her new environment!!!   It was a delight to see the changes in her.   Maturing, comfortable in communicating with friends and adults, studying hard and offering advice to her friends back at Mama Tara's.   

I believe in these children of La Moskitia!!!  I believe that with a picture of God's grace in their lives and a road map on how to follow Him, they have endless possibilities!   It is just fun to watch God work from the sidelines and pour His redemptive message into the lives of willing young people. 


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