In Preparation
the La Moskitia sky is always captivating... photo by my Alex
Preparation. Personally preparing for our first visit to Texas has included packing our bags, closing up our apartment, consolidating ministry responsibilities and saying good-bye to the people who have become dear to us in our 8 months in Honduras. We remind our friends here that we will be back in May, but they seem somehow unsure. Our hearts hold anticipation and sadness in equal measure. Good-byes, hellos, good-byes again and more hellos – our current season of life.
Preparation. We are a few weeks from celebrating the Resurrection in the States with our home church, Pin Oaks Christian Fellowship. However, Good Friday must precede our celebration of the Resurrection. The horror and injustice of the Cross come before the Hope of the Resurrection. Similarly, our personal good-byes precede the happiness of hello; the separation preceding the reunion. Our hearts need preparation for these serious things… may we seek to live Easter more deeply and intentionally this year.
Preparation. Speaking to churches, coffee with friends, meetings with ministry partners, financial decisions, dreams laid bare… the tasks loom too large for us. And yet, God steps in and provides a way where we feel unable, He provides words to say when we are speechless, He guides when we cannot see tomorrow. We prepare to the best of our abilities and that is where we end... we leave the rest to the Creator of the Universe. He knows.
With joy, in preparation and anticipation of the Resurrection,
