Few Tears Today...

Today, our spring break team left. What a week! My mind is full of brainstorming for future teams and contemplating exactly what is the purpose of short-term missions? I've re-read a great book lately, When Helping Hurts. I read it before we moved, but can put it into context in a much better fashion after actually living here. There is too much to say about that in this post, so I'll save it until my thoughts have gelled a bit.

As for the departure... I have to say it was easier than the last. Knowing we will see this group again in less than 3 weeks makes things much more bearable. I did shed a few tears, which leads me to my next question. Are tears a sign that I don't like it here and don't want to stay? NO.

A long-time missionary here makes fun of me every time I cry. For her, she's seen so many come and go that the attachment factor is minimal. For me, the relationships with this group and our friends who came in February are deep. Parting is hard, knowing the distance.

This week I've contemplated much about the way I love other people. I cannot explain it without sounding really cheesy - but I genuinely love my friends with a deep, heart-felt love. Many friends are as close as family to me. In general, I love meeting new people and I have no agenda or other motive behind my friendship.

Not everyone is comfortable with this. Many people have been hurt before and do not trust... other people just do not like to express their love in the same way, even when they feel it... other people are just as loony as me and want to lay it all out there.

This may just be the most disjointed post I've ever attempted. I just wanted something more positive after yesterday's effort at honesty about the ugly.


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