HIs Timing
This morning we planned for a special lunch at a bakery across town where we thought we could get hamburgers. Everyone finished their studies fast and we headed out on foot. We had to go by the prison on the way...
Waiting out in front of the prison were the older kids from the House of Hope with the ever-amazing Morgan. They spent the evening last night making 3 cakes to bring to the prisoners along with Christmas cards. What a special thing to see!
We were invited into the prison, along with Morgan and the House of Hope kids. The Catholic church had brought lunch that day for Christmas... with Coke, but without dessert. Isn't that just amazing. Morgan had no idea that the Catholic church was bringing food and they didn't know Morgan was baking. So cool! I love it when things come together like that.
So... the prison. A very raw experience. Our kids just walked on in and never had an issue. Arnie was apprehensive afterward and eager to talk. We got to the bakery and they did not have hamburgers or any lunch items.
So, it seems we were on that side of town for the prison visit this morning instead of the fun lunch. Amazed at our children, once again. They have become very accustomed to doing unpredictable things which would have scared them to death in the States. That may sound horrible to you, that we would take our entire family into a prison. For us, it truly is the experience that needed to happen today. I cannot explain it any other way than that... may we all be open to the unexpected opportunities that God has carefully laid out but that we often classify as merely rabbit trails or distractions.
Waiting out in front of the prison were the older kids from the House of Hope with the ever-amazing Morgan. They spent the evening last night making 3 cakes to bring to the prisoners along with Christmas cards. What a special thing to see!
We were invited into the prison, along with Morgan and the House of Hope kids. The Catholic church had brought lunch that day for Christmas... with Coke, but without dessert. Isn't that just amazing. Morgan had no idea that the Catholic church was bringing food and they didn't know Morgan was baking. So cool! I love it when things come together like that.
So... the prison. A very raw experience. Our kids just walked on in and never had an issue. Arnie was apprehensive afterward and eager to talk. We got to the bakery and they did not have hamburgers or any lunch items.
So, it seems we were on that side of town for the prison visit this morning instead of the fun lunch. Amazed at our children, once again. They have become very accustomed to doing unpredictable things which would have scared them to death in the States. That may sound horrible to you, that we would take our entire family into a prison. For us, it truly is the experience that needed to happen today. I cannot explain it any other way than that... may we all be open to the unexpected opportunities that God has carefully laid out but that we often classify as merely rabbit trails or distractions.
