Family Dynamics

The spring morning was a still one with a hint of summer fast approaching. I sat on our sofa preoccupied with a large decision... do we dare agree for our family of 6 to live with a Honduran family during language school? Honestly, we felt it would be smarter and easier to adjust if we had our own space in a furnished apartment instead. And yet, the director of the school strongly suggested that our language acquisition would be much faster if we were immersed in the language full-time.

There were so many reasons 'not' to live with a family we didn't know... on and on and on. And yet, that still small voice whispered, "Do you trust Me on this?" We decided that we would give the immersion experience our best effort with the furnished apartment as a back-up plan. Oh, what we would have missed if we hadn't met Gloria & Hugo!

The Saturday afternoon was hot even by La Ceiba standards. We pulled up to a pinkish, reddish, orange home with a white gate... our new family. Hugo & Gloria rushed out to greet our car and meet our family. Were they thinking the same things we were? Or were they so seasoned at this hosting tourists that they could welcome us without hesitation?

Yes, they are seasoned at hosting gringos. Yes, they are comfortable with strange people in their house. But this time, they had prayed for Christians to spend time under their roof for respite and refreshment. And that has been their service the entire time we've stayed here. To God alone be the glory for this!

There are moments when I feel awkward disciplining my children in front of them; there are moments when I feel too strict or too permissive, depending upon the situation; there are moments when I feel ignorant; and Gloria just smiles. Gloria is very patient with our children. She is constantly introducing them to Honduran treats like Choco Choco and frozen jello. She talks to them in Spanish like they are her own... using phrases like 'mi amor' (my love) and laughing at their little oddities.

Friday night, we got home around 8:30 and Gloria insisted that I was to go with her to her cousin's house to see the new baby. Her cousin's daughter just came home with her second child, a beautiful boy named... Gabriel. What a meaningful name to me...

As I sat in this very tiny bedroom with 4 other women, I listened to them talk about and around me in Spanish. It was funny!. All but Gloria were hesitant to talk to me directly. And yet, there is this thing about women... we can adore babies without any language barrier at all. And outside, in the dark, sat the men... sipping on homemade limeade and laughing as only grandpas and uncles can do.

You see, we are very much alike, this family and mine. And only God knew that I would need Gloria for so many reasons.


Amy Pratt said…
I am so happy and thankful for you guys having been blessing with such an amazing host family. This brought tears to my eyes! One more example of how wonderful God's plan truly is! HE REALLY DOES KNOW, huh!!!!!!!

Love, A
Holly (me.) said…
Oh. Another little Gabriel. Oh. Oh. Oh! How precious to be invited into such a sweet intimate moment. So glad you and Alex were up for the adventure.
Unknown said…
Nicely done! Immersion is better. I am struggling. I didn't do it your way. But I am okay with my Spanish the way it is.

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