I feel compelled to tell you, persistent, patient reader, that this week has been a series of one complication after another. From a car wreck to the very recent news that our 8 footlockers may be the subject of an 'embargo' on cardboard or plastic boxes from American Airlines. In layman's terms, this means that the way we've planned to move to Honduras and the footlockers we've used to pack may not be allowed on our American flight in 2 days. Yikes. Alex is on his way to the airport right now to have American say yes or no.
Yes, I yelled. Yes, I stomped my feet and counted the hundreds of hours I've spent packing and repacking these footlockers. And then, I took a deep breath and talked to sweet Holly who put some perspective on the whole thing. She painted a picture of me standing before the ticket counter finding out on Friday instead of today when I can actually repack into large suitcases. And so... I humbly turn back to thankfulness. Thankful that we have a chance to repack... thankful that my kids don't have to witness their Mommy throwing a tantrum at the airport :). And thankful for friends who will drop everything to help us rally suitcases and repack.
Yes, I yelled. Yes, I stomped my feet and counted the hundreds of hours I've spent packing and repacking these footlockers. And then, I took a deep breath and talked to sweet Holly who put some perspective on the whole thing. She painted a picture of me standing before the ticket counter finding out on Friday instead of today when I can actually repack into large suitcases. And so... I humbly turn back to thankfulness. Thankful that we have a chance to repack... thankful that my kids don't have to witness their Mommy throwing a tantrum at the airport :). And thankful for friends who will drop everything to help us rally suitcases and repack.
