Need a Straw?
I've always loved the metaphor of the 'glass half-full' or 'glass half-empty.' Having the visual of liquid in a clear tall glass has always done my soul some good when evaluating reactions to life situations; my reactions and the reactions of others.
Upon further consideration of my typical response to 'glass half-empty' folks, I've come up with a few tidbits. In the past, I saw myself as 'Suzy Sunshine' with the responsibility to convince the nay-sayer, pity-partier to turn that frown upside-down. I've imagined myself taking a huge pitcher of ice water and pouring it into their glass with a smile. Debate, advice and coddling ensued until the person realized that their glass really was overflowing.
Of late, I'm taking a different approach. When someone comes at me with the 'glass half-empty' attitude, I find myself wanting to grab a straw and hand it to them. Maybe if they drained that glass to the last drop, they'd realize what a bad situation really looks like. And maybe they'd give all of this negative, stinkin' thinking a break. Not that the Christian life is a walk in the park... it isn't. And yet, our response is the key; do we learn and walk through the tough, or do we sit and complain about something that is considered beautiful to another??
Upon further consideration of my typical response to 'glass half-empty' folks, I've come up with a few tidbits. In the past, I saw myself as 'Suzy Sunshine' with the responsibility to convince the nay-sayer, pity-partier to turn that frown upside-down. I've imagined myself taking a huge pitcher of ice water and pouring it into their glass with a smile. Debate, advice and coddling ensued until the person realized that their glass really was overflowing.
Of late, I'm taking a different approach. When someone comes at me with the 'glass half-empty' attitude, I find myself wanting to grab a straw and hand it to them. Maybe if they drained that glass to the last drop, they'd realize what a bad situation really looks like. And maybe they'd give all of this negative, stinkin' thinking a break. Not that the Christian life is a walk in the park... it isn't. And yet, our response is the key; do we learn and walk through the tough, or do we sit and complain about something that is considered beautiful to another??