Sorting. 6 lives cataloged with labels in piles ... the 'Taking' pile, the 'Trashing' pile and the 'Treasure' pile. The few material treasures that remain in Texas after all is discarded or packed will exist to preserve important pieces of the past... baby books, adoption books, quilts lovingly-made, stories of lives woven together with God's handiwork.
When I truly ponder the idea of treasures, I am keenly aware that my one and only priceless treasure is my Jesus. The treasure of Jesus is my only HOPE, my only PEACE.
Of course, I treasure my husband and my children. However, these deep loves of mine cannot give me true peace, they cannot give me true hope! Yes, we walk these earthly roads together, hand in hand. We laugh, we learn and we love. For such, I am grateful. And I pray that we will one day praise Our Maker together in eternity.
And with hands wide open, I offer everything else. Take it, Lord. Use it. If the material treasures survive our departure, so be it. If they do not, let my children rest in the not-knowing. Let them rest in what they find in the parting ... YOUR sufficiency, YOUR grace, YOUR faithfulness, YOUR love.
When I truly ponder the idea of treasures, I am keenly aware that my one and only priceless treasure is my Jesus. The treasure of Jesus is my only HOPE, my only PEACE.
Of course, I treasure my husband and my children. However, these deep loves of mine cannot give me true peace, they cannot give me true hope! Yes, we walk these earthly roads together, hand in hand. We laugh, we learn and we love. For such, I am grateful. And I pray that we will one day praise Our Maker together in eternity.
And with hands wide open, I offer everything else. Take it, Lord. Use it. If the material treasures survive our departure, so be it. If they do not, let my children rest in the not-knowing. Let them rest in what they find in the parting ... YOUR sufficiency, YOUR grace, YOUR faithfulness, YOUR love.
