The Goal

Monumental goal... I'm going to try to write something every day on this blog.   Yikes!  I'm putting my goal out in the blogosphere for all to see.     No really... when we blogged about our fostering experiences in 2007/2008, I found that the words written ended up keeping memories for me.    When the adoptions were finalized, I took the posts for each of our guys, edited the formatting and printed them out for adoption books.   What a treasure.

With that, I set this very public goal.   Brevity and laughter will be the buzzwords for my future posts.  Some days it might be a verse or quote that stirs;  some days it might be a replay of old posts that have been comment-producing;  some days it might be a photo.    I'm also hoping that I hear from you more often.  My promise, I will be more responsive to comments :).

For today, I'll leave you with these beautiful verses from Isaiah 30:

"Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you.  
He rises to show you compassion. 
For the Lord is a God of justice. 
Blessed are those who wait for Him."


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