Abundance & Scarcity
When I read much of Tara's writing, I feel a tinge of recognition; a sense of awareness that her words will be my life very, very soon. She describes the lure of American materialism far better than I. So, do it... hop on over there and read it and let me know what you think!

I really feel like God has turned me inside out in this whole area of materialism in the last few years, but now I find I constantly fall into sin by judging others for their crazy excess. The truth is though that I am patting myself on the back for not being "McKinney", while we still own such a ridiculous amount of JUNK! Would love to discuss it with you some day!
Plus... I've forgotten much of what you taught me last week. Seriously. UGH. My brain is another year older, so I guess I should go easy :). I did get my map made, though, with La Moskitia circled. Praise God for small miracles.
Love you. Should probably just put this in an email :).