Stepping out in Faith...

Life does take odd turns, doesn't it? Never in my life did I think that I would be partaking in serious academic endeavors at my age :). My last serious attempt at study and brain-numbing reading took place over 15 years ago. But God does have a sense of humor, eh?

The next step in our 'yet undisclosed life pursuit' requires some basic theology. Hmmmm, now there's a word loaded with baggage. We decided on The Theology Program at If I take away the required reading in Systematic Theology, I might not feel so daunted. And yet, this is just what we both need... Last night, we watched our first session video session and jump-started our brains. The program is engaging, challenging and not a spoon-fed version of someone else's theology.

So, here I am greasing the wheels and digging into some new vocabulary with too many syllables. The thrilling goal is an ability to communicate my faith from a rational, loving heart. My mind has often been a stumbling block in my walk of faith... unnecessary stumbling block, I might add. J.P. Moreland's book, "Love Your God With All Your Mind: The Role of Reason in the Life of the Soul" was a breath of fresh air as well as a trumpet sound for me. Moreland's book happens to be 'honors' reading for our classes! Rock 'n roll!

It is back to school for a Mommy who thought the closest thing to 'required reading' in her fourth decade would be Teacher's Notes in our homeschooling curriculum. God is full of surprises!


Mrs. Edwards said…
Sounds exciting! Perhaps you'll post about what you learn? In the meantime, I'll have to read J.P.Moreland's book.
Holly (me.) said…
Yay! Perfect preparation for whatever may come, and you have the conntinued pryers for Undisclosed Endeavor.
Holly (me.) said…
Ha! A type-o/slip betraying my curiosity--- you have my prayers, but I'll keep my "pryers" restrained until such time as you are ready for disclosure.

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