Every Bush Afire - Take 2
The loveliest of days are those that prove to be surprises. Unexpected delights. Today proved to be such.
After a morning of school lessons, we realized that the day was too beautiful to stay inside. With a blanket and our sketch pads, we happily spent the next 2 hours out and among our favorite feathered friends.
photo by Little Mommy, age 5
My camera went to good use as we captured the tufted titmouse, the chickadee, the cardinal, a red-headed woodpecker and even a sassy squirrel.
photo by Budding Author, age 8
To some, our afternoon would be considered a waste, incomplete. To me, this is just the kind of afternoon that sets my children's souls afire with a love for God's creation. To hear the excitement bubbling as we identified bird after bird and became familiar with a few new bird songs; my soul flames, too.
Earth’s crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God
But only he who sees, takes off his shoes
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.
-Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Aurora Leigh, book 7, lines 821-24
