
Remember that stomach microbe that I mentioned in my last post ... well, it officially became my worst enemy on Friday morning. What an interesting time was had around here on Friday with 4 kiddos running wild and the Teacher under the weather! (or was it under the bed? I cannot remember.)

Our 2 'big kids' really stepped up to the plate and took care of the little guys. I felt thankful for it all amidst the utter chaos of cereal bowls tumbling to the floor, Rescue Heroes being rescued from the attic and loud, loud, loud voices surrounding me.

And then last night ... I ran into the back of another car. Fortunately, only Little Mommy was with me. It was minor when placed in the proper perspective. It isn't the accident I want to share with you; it is the reaction of the other driver that was straight from God's heart to mine.

The accident was obviously my fault. I hit a brand-new Tahoe in acceleration mode. The man was shaking his head in the car and I just knew I was 'in for it!' This man came around, as I'm apologizing and apologizing, asking if we were OK. After I'd convinced him that we were fine, I went digging around for all of my insurance information. He looked at me and said 'No. I'm not worried about the money, I'm just worried about you and your daughter.' Standing mouth-agape, I insisted, 'No, I want to make this right for you.' He said, 'All is right with me. I'm on my way to church. Now get in your car and go home.'

Can you believe that? In this day of personal injury lawsuits that stem from nothing, this man did not want my name, phone number or insurance. It is funny - most days, I could babble endlessly about the decadence and depravity of our country and the lack of individual character. And here right in front of me I am reminded of this ... there are changed people everywhere; flawed, yet transformed people walking this earth. How humbly grateful I am for such a person and his gracious witness.


Pam said…
What a wonderful testimony of God's grace and mercy! Thank you for this reminder that there are such people - so encouraging.


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