
Our family just finished watching the film Inn of the Sixth Happiness and boy, are we moved. The film is inspired by the true story of British missionary to China, Gladys Aylward's life. While the movie exaggerated some aspects of her story and did not place a high enough priority on her faith, I highly recommend spending a few hours becoming acquainted with an amazing Godly woman. For a bit more information about her life, here is a link to a short biography.


Mrs. Edwards said…
I don't think I realized that you are working on TOG Year 4? We just started reading a biography of Gladys Aylward and will watch the movie following that. My childhood included hearing missionary stories, but somehow I never heard Gladys's. So far, we are mesmerized by her story.

Isn't it something to study the 20th century with TOG? I was especially blessed to read recently the two green supplements regarding difficult times and government systems (communism/fascism/capitalism/etc.). I don't have rhetoric aged kids, but when I read over the rhetoric discussion questions, I wish that I did!

It is fun to know others being touched by the same true stories that are touching us!

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