Deep Waters...

How many thought-satellites are flying around in my brain? Hmmm, it sure seems like a million.

I've often wondered why I simply cannot be satisfied with skimming the emotional surface on topics; with just taking things at face value? Why do I have to seek and devour the 'deeper meaning?' I also often wish that I were a 'black & white' girl... instead, I see things in shades of 'rain', 'charcoal' or some other interesting combination of black/white. There are myriad colors in between the two ...

In relationships, this tendency of mine to over-analyze and over-think, makes me a complicated friend/daughter/daughter-in-law/sister, etc. And yet, somewhere underneath all of this difficulty, I delight in knowing that God made my brain in this interesting way and that in my relationship with Him, these complications simply do not exist. He gently tolerates my questions, my provocations, my insistence upon revisiting topics long-settled and my desire for depth. He does not begrudge my insistence at taking things beyond trivial... and this is only one of a million reasons I love Him so much!


Anonymous said…
Oh, how I can relate to what you have written here...we are similar in more ways than we know, you and I :) Somehow, I think that if we were to ever meet in person for that time of coffee and fellowship, we would find a connection as sisters in Christ that would be a blessing to both of us. I'm hoping for that day....

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