New Geocaching Homeschoolers

Hubby received a GPS system for Father's Day & his b-day... we decided to try our hand at geocaching. Geocaching is basically a treasure hunt using longitudinal/latitudinal coordinates. After printing off coordinates for 3 caches (treasures) located very near our home, we set off to see what we could find.

What we discovered was an unexpected way to have a blast with 4 kids and a piece of technology. Budding Author was dressed in his full home-made Indiana Jones costume; Little Mommy donned sunglasses and bug spray and the wee ones were just 'happy to be there.'

Our first attempt was unsuccessful... and then I realize that several other people had already logged that they couldn't find this cache. We happily left in search of our next hunt. An old, quiet cemetery revealed a cache hidden in a hollow log. We signed our name on the 'log' inside the weather-proofed film canister and began to explore the cemetery. There were historical markers, World War II veterans' graves, and even a Woodmen of the World memorial marker. The kids were really, really excited.

Off we headed for our 3rd attempt. Another success! My mind began to run through all of the fun 'school-type' things we could do in the name of geocaching... math, history, science, geography, nature time... and so on.

This morning we set off in search of a larger cache with 'travel bugs' inside. After we retrieved 2 travel bugs, we brought them home, logged them online and are now seeking another cache in which to deposit them as they make their way around the country. What a way to start out a hot Texas summer day!

Come to find out, there is a site called that has a curriculum using geocaching.

Happy Hunting!


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