The Rubberband Mom

Numerous times I've wanted to post something on this blog over the past 10 days; numerous times I get to the blank page and have had, literally, not a thing to say. In my estimation, this is good. I am in a quiet mode right now, planning and plotting for our next school year. I process best when I'm not rambling on in my brain about too many things.

So, why the naming of this post? The flexibility of homeschooling has added a dimension to my life that I absolutely never expected. I love being able to re-route things, tweak things, add things, change things and delete things. By things, I mean school 'assignments.'

My creative brain has emerged and is in high gear. As I look at a math worksheet, the juices get going about how many different ways we can accomplish this task without sitting down at the table with pencil, paper and eraser. What a surprise! I had all but given up on 'creative Laura' ever introducing herself again ... a law school education does that to you; builds the left brain, while silencing the right brain.

With Presidents' Day on Monday, I'm committed to incorporating something Presidential into both Language Arts & Math. I'm not looking for a worksheet. I seek a project like this ... 1. list the Presidents and the state in which they were born (great practice with capitalization and proper abbreviation of states, etc.); 2. graph this to visually show which state has produced the most Presidents ... and so on. Any ideas or great websites with such ideas?

I loved that song 'The Rubberband Man' back in the day ... I can sing the chorus in my sleep. Yes, I feel like the Rubberband Mom with 8 little hands pulling on me at all times. And, yet, in the midst of what should be the most chaotic time of my entire life, I am having a blast and using my God-given gifts where they matter the most. Go figure.


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