The Baton Pass
To live within our limits is to live humbly as the creature and not the Creator. Only God is infinite; the rest of us need to be very clear about what we are to be about in any given moment and say no to everything else. - Ruth Haley Barton Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership
Over the past year, I have spent many hours participating in a coaching program for ministries and ministry leaders. This program, by Ministry Ventures, has given me a larger, more expansive perspective on ministry. It has given me freedom to identify my gifts and to look within the body of Christ for others, whom God has already chosen, to hold my hand and make a complete ministry team for God's glory. Me, myself and I simply do not have all that it takes to coordinate, direct, run, manage, lead, this crazy train.
One key piece of this year's gold mine ... God places us in strategic positions for seasons, not for eternities. Our egos would love to believe that we are indispensable. Yet, it is much more freeing to know that we are finite. Knowing we have limits allows us to build into others and prepare them to run the next part of the race.
While Alex and I have always talked about building into Honduran leaders at Instituto Vida Abundante, this year, the talk has really blossomed into reality. God has guided us to, first, truly trust Him and the individuals He brings to carry the school. God has pushed us to give everything we have to teach, learn, pray, show, share, observe, talk, communicate and listen well. This is a good goal... an eternal goal. This pillar of the ministry will allow God to continue to work through Instituto Vida Abundante long after the the two of us and the current US Board are gone.

As we prepare for our upcoming 5 months in the US, we find ourselves in messy baton-passing moments. There are moments that function well, the baton is passed, taken and the race is run better than we ever could run it. Then, there are moments where the baton is completely dropped and there is nothing to say except, let's start this part of the race over. It is in those messy moments that my faith is tested and I want to run right back in, grab the baton and run it myself.
Thankfully, a few trusted souls are right beside me to remind me... the goal is long-term, the mistakes of today will not matter tomorrow, the team is ready, God is always in charge, let go.
Let go.
Let go of the baton and allow your friends to soar.