Remembering St. Patrick's Day

It was just a year ago; only 365 yesterdays. And yet, to my Mommy clock it seems forever ago. Last year on St. Patrick's Day our adoption of Prince Caspian was finalized. The judge was amazing, so personable. She had a stash of toys in her bathroom for such occasions. My sweet Prince Caspian enjoyed his time atop her bench as Daddy and I shed tear upon tear.

People say interesting things about adoption... we've been asked many questions about how we can love someone else's children, etc. Truthfully, this Mommy's heart knows absolutely no difference between the ones that were home-grown and those that were transplants. It excites me God allows us to love this way... it is counter-cultural and beyond explanation.

Thank you to those who followed our other blog and rejoiced with us over God's unique way of making a family. Milestones like yesterday that remind me of the true simplicity of it all. One step at a time.
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